Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Easiest way to add pictures to objects: Blender add Texture UV mapping to pop can

Pasting pictures to the faces of a box


It teaches how to map an orthogonal picture of faces to a box by exporting the UV map of an unwrapped UV of the box.

I can use this technique to any photo, even with perspective. Just adjust the UV points to the photo with perspective.

Blender's image to plane converter does not adjust for perspective.
Actually I learn a lot of things here as well.
1. How to create a new window. Just drag at the top right of the window.
2. How to slide the menu. Press the mouse scroll wheel and left button to drag the menu so that we can see the other viewport options in the object tab.
3. How to create test images, UV grid, in the text editor and use it for the material.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Blender Intermediate UV Unwrapping Tutorial

Secret of the paper exporter. Seams are used by Blender to unwrap a texture.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

This is what Blender needed! - How to use Pose Library 2.0 | Blender 3....



I was trying to edit a free 3D model of a sitting man with rigging. It means that I am able to change the poses by editing the armatures. Select the armature in object mode but change to edit mode to change the pose. If you go to the edit mode, you do not have the poses, so my man is actually standing up in the edit mode.

These poses are actually saved so I was worried of changing the original poses so was looking for ways to edit poses. Actually, we cannot edit poses, but we can modify poses and store the results to be used later on. Blender 3.0 allows you to store these poses, called assets in a library. This video explains it well.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Camera Tips and Tricks || Blender 2.93


I spent too much time aligning cameras that the tips shown here are most useful.

Useful techniques that I learn not listed in the index:

2 3d Viewport windows

You can have 2 3d Viewport windows at once. You can replace the outline window at the default top right with another 3d Viewport window. Make sure you know how to return to the Outline window so that we can keep track of our objects.

Move camera while in camera view (2:50):

You can move the camera using the cursor while in camera view. Just select camera, before you go into Camera View, and then G.

Move camera directly to the point of view (3:30):

Select camera
G (move)
Z (along global axis)
Z (along local axis)
move cursor.

Circling around an object (4:07):

He calls it Pivot Point.

Move camera while in camera view (10:30):

While in camera view, press Shift-`, at the top left of the keyboard. No need to select the camera first. You can use the keyboard the navigate the camera. ASWD keys.


Problems with auto recording:

I tried the auto keyin, but does not work properly for me. After pressing Space, which is Play for the Youtuber, it automatically records keystrokes, but I do not see how the key strokes are entered. When I tried to enter mine, there were delays. Better to insert key strokes manually by pressing I at the required frame.


Blue Tint in Blender Viewport

 I suffered from Blue Tint in Blender Viewport for days. It makes my editing difficult because I cannot see the colours well. As it turned out, it was a feature to display geometric faces as bluish if the normal is outward whiich is good, and red when it is inward, whiich is bad.



In your viewport Overlay settings on the top right...under one of the icons...you have activated "Face Orientation". That is all :)

Blue is good, by the way. Red would be bad.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Use alt-S, normal scale instead of Solidify


6 Most BASIC Blender MATERIALS (Eevee and Cycles Tutorial)

The best tutorial on setting the materials in Blender. He showed how to set EEV renderer to render transparent and translucent materials. I was suprised that roughness is so important because it determines the reflection on the surface. The lowerst value will get us a mirror.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

All 54 Blender Modifiers in 30 Minutes


It even has an index to all the modifiers. You can jump immediately to any modifier.

Friday, December 3, 2021

How To Fix Blender 2.8+ Unsupported graphics card or driver - Opengl 3.3...


This one works and much simpler. I was able to run Blender 3 using 2nd gen Intel CPU in Steam just by pasting the opengl32.dll into the bin directory.

1.44K subscribers
PERFECT FIX, consider subscribing if this is helps you OPENGL 32dll file link https://drive.google.com/file/d/19teT... 

Intel Hd Graphics 3000 support Opengl 3.3


It does not using latest version to run Blender 3 from Steam. I tried the latest version instead of that used in the video. Too many files installed, but may be useful for some other software.