Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Easiest Tutorial on Making Movie Using Blender

 Most of the youtube tutorials on animation are just too difficult. It is actually very easy but they just make them look difficult.

Just go to animation menu. Usually we are at the layout menu. When I first install the latest versions of Blender from 2.8 onwards, there ia an animation window at the bottom corner of the screen.

Just press "I", for insert keyframes and the position, rotation or scale etc. are stored.

You move the blue line to indicate the frame of the movie to another frame location where the object changes location, or rotation etc. Presss "I" again to record the new postion, rotation or scaling. 

If there is no change, there will be yellow line from the previous frame and the current frame pointer.

That is all there is to it. Just play the recorder. Software will try to estimate the transitional positions, rotation or scaling between the two frame locations.

It does not matter what display mode you are in. The animation will be carried out.

My mistakes was to set the location before setting the frame. If there was a previous keyframe data located at the frame, it will overide our setup. So it is better to go to the desired fram and then do the move, rotate or scaling.

So theoretically, you just need to record two locations. The first fram and the last frame. I want to animate up to 50 frames only, but good enough for people to see an animation effect.

You must do it object by object. I had 3 objects to animate so I need to store the keyframes 3 times. No problem at all. If we make a mistake, no need to delete the keyframe. Just overide it, by entering "I".

To animate rotation, you only need to do it once. Put your mouse cursor over the dope sheet that appeared automatically when you insert keyframes. 

Press T. Interpolation set to linear.

Then channel, extrapolation mode.

The trick to set many wheels all at once is to select all, then set axis of rotations to individual origins. The menu is at the central top, next to snap menu. 

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